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Discover Nutrition Stay Happy

6 Tips to Stay Happier During Big Life Transitions

Discover how to feel happy through life transitions and read our top tips on how to be healthy, including finding hobbies and building a support system.

March 16, 2022
Discover Nutrition Stay Happy

6 Tips to Stay Happier During Big Life Transitions

Discover how to feel happy through life transitions and read our top tips on how to be healthy, including finding hobbies and building a support system.

March 16, 2022
Discover Nutrition Stay Happy

6 Tips to Stay Happier During Big Life Transitions

Discover how to feel happy through life transitions and read our top tips on how to be healthy, including finding hobbies and building a support system.

March 16, 2022

Change is an inevitable part of our lives. Whether it's embarking on a new job, moving to a different city, or starting a family – life transitions can uproot your world in ways you aren’t prepared for. Even positive changes, like having a baby or graduating from school, may come with a certain level of stress. It’s not always easy stepping outside of your comfort zone and into something new. If you’re undergoing change and struggling to figure out how to be happy in life, you’re not alone. Here are a few stress relief tips that can help you discover how to feel happy and healthy during life transitions. 

1.Be Present During Life Transitions

The process of moving from one phase of your life to the next can feel daunting. Deciding you want to pivot your career likely isn’t happening overnight. Thinking of all the necessary steps you must take can send you running right back to your comfort zone. Instead, try focusing on the present and what's in front of you. According to Elyssa Barbash, PhD, “Those who live in the moment tend to be happier, calmer and more relaxed, and appreciative.” Even if things are tough or stressful, allowing yourself to feel these emotions is part of the life management process. Trust that you’ll get to your destination and enjoy the journey one day at a time. 

2.Accept That the Change Is Unavoidable and May Be Out of Your Control 

While certain life transitions are planned, other events may be unexpected. No one plans to lose a loved one or get laid off from their job, but these events are part of life. If you find yourself worrying about things you can’t control, here are a few things you can do: 

  • Focus on what you can control: You can’t change the world around you, but you have the power to decide how you react to a situation. You can always choose to live a happy healthy life, even when it feels like the odds are against you.
  • Be a role model: You can’t force people to do things they don’t want to, but you can set a good example. Give advice when asked, but don’t force your suggestions on others. 
  • Make a plan: Ask yourself how you’d respond if you lost your job. Then, make a plan if that were to ever happen. Redirect your fear into something more productive like adding to your skillset, going back to school, and networking. 
  • Repeat healthy affirmations: Reiterate something positive and empowering whenever you find yourself worrying. Looking for the positive in any situation can help you learn how to live a happy life even when faced with concern.

3.Find Healthier Ways to Cope with Your Feelings

When you’re anticipating a significant change, it may be all you can think about. Rather than sitting idle with your thoughts, channel your energy into something more productive. 

  • Exercise: According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “When stress affects the brain, with its many nerve connections, the rest of the body feels the impact as well. So, it stands to reason that if your body feels better, so does your mind.”
  • Journal: Writing is an effective way of transferring thoughts from your mind to paper. Once you’ve written down your thoughts, throw the piece of paper away to physically get rid of anything weighing on you. 
  • Work on a hobby: All work and no play can make life feel overwhelming. Making time for the things you love is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy and happy – be it painting, cooking, or dancing. Hobbies can help reduce stress and anxiety while improving social connections and well-being. In fact, one study found that 75% of participants experienced lower cortisol levels (stress hormones) after making art.
  • Meditate: Whenever you feel overwhelmed by life transitions, take a break and breathe. Setting aside a few moments to focus on your breathing will help slow your thoughts and bring your focus back to the present. Meditation can help reduce stress, blood pressure and anxiety, while also supporting memory, attention, and sleep.
  • Listen to music: Interrupt your thoughts with your favorite song. Create a playlist of feel-good music for whenever you need a mental break. 

4.Gain A New Perspective 

If you’re searching for the key to happiness, the answer is – perspective. From career changes to new relationships, life doesn’t always go as planned. And, while there’s no one answer for how to relieve stress and anxiety, changing your perspective sure can help. For example, the current pandemic has changed the way we work, live and interact with others. While you may not have expected to be in this situation, you can still make the best of it. If you wanted to switch careers, hone in on the necessary skills to make this happen. Or, maybe you wanted to travel more. It’s understandable to be upset or disappointed when life doesn’t go as planned, but remember you have the ability to find the good in every situation.  

5.Lean on Your Loved Ones

Having a support system to lean on can help ease stress during life transitions. According to = the American Psychological Association, “…having strong social support can actually make you more able to cope with problems on your own, by improving your self-esteem and sense of autonomy.” Everyone can benefit from some level of emotional support. Close friends and family can help you process your thoughts, offer reassurance or just simply listen. Oftentimes, just being able to talk through issues with someone you trust can help you relieve any stress you’re internalizing. When life becomes overwhelming, figuring out how to relieve stress becomes difficult. Try the following:

  • Phone a friend
  • Chat with your family or partner on video
  • Join an online support group
  • Schedule an appointment with a therapist

6.Practice Self-Care 

Self-care is vital for dealing with life transitions. Between taking care of others at work and at home, you may be left wondering how to deal stress and anxiety for your own peace of mind. Incorporating these self-care practices can help elevate your mood and prepare you for whatever is ahead: 

  • Exercising daily: Getting your body in motion can help reduce stress and release endorphins – also known as happy hormones. These endorphins can help reduce tension, boost your mood, support sleep and even self-esteem.
  • Sleeping 7-8 hours a night: A full night’s rest can help improve your mood. In fact, a study by Cornell University found that “having a more positive general outlook on life was associated with improved sleep quality.”
  • Eating a balanced diet: By feeding your body the right nutrients, you can help power your mind. Adversely, diets high in sugar and fat can weaken your body’s response to stress.
  • Saying no to others: Sometimes you have to say no to others and say yes to yourself. Take the time to focus on your own wants and needs.  
  • Talking to a friend: Feeling like you have to do everything on your own can be stressful. Having a support system to turn to when life gets challenging can help relieve some of the pressure. 

Embracing life transitions and coaching yourself through times of adversity is the key to happiness. Follow these tips on how to be healthy and you’ll be ready for whatever life brings you. Interested in learning more about ways to stay healthy or how to deal with stress and anxiety? Find more articles on Amway Discover.