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An overhead view of a veggie omelette in a nonstick frying pan being served with a wooden spatula.

Healthy veggie omelette recipe

Vegetable omelettes don’t have to be intimidating. Try this easy omelette recipe and add some variety to your morning routine.

July 11, 2023

An overhead view of a veggie omelette in a nonstick frying pan being served with a wooden spatula.

Healthy veggie omelette recipe

Vegetable omelettes don’t have to be intimidating. Try this easy omelette recipe and add some variety to your morning routine.

July 11, 2023

An overhead view of a veggie omelette in a nonstick frying pan being served with a wooden spatula.

Healthy veggie omelette recipe

Vegetable omelettes don’t have to be intimidating. Try this easy omelette recipe and add some variety to your morning routine.

July 11, 2023

Shake up your breakfast routine with a veggie omelette

We all know breakfast is important, but sometimes we can fall into a rut of eating the same thing every single morning.

It’s easy and fast and gets you out the door on time, but once in a while you’d really like something a little different.

If you need a break from smoothies or your cereal box makes you sad, here’s an easy lean veggie omelette recipe that is packed with plant nutrients and will start your day off right. (It’s already a high protein breakfast but make sure to read the pro tip at the end to add even more protein!)

How to make a vegetable omelette

If you’re picturing a chef at the omelette station of your favorite brunch spot and wondering if you have the needed culinary skills, don’t worry. You don’t need any special training to make this veggie omelette.

Sure, you can make a traditional omelette base that you fill with vegetables you sauteed ahead of time and delicately fold it over for that professional look. But in this recipe we’ve combined some steps to save time without compromising the delicious flavor!

You don’t need a special pan to make this, but a nonstick pan is highly recommended. It will make preparation and cleanup super easy and you won’t need as much oil while cooking.

Easy Lean Veggie Omelette Recipe

Servings: 1


  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 cup chopped vegetables: onions, green pepper, tomato, mushrooms, etc.
  • 3 egg whites or 1⁄4 cup egg substitute
  • 1 tablespoon skim milk
  • 1⁄2 ounce shredded, low-fat cheese
  • Salt and pepper or other seasoning to taste


  1. Add oil to your nonstick pan and sauté vegetables over medium heat.
  2. While the vegetables are cooking, beat egg whites or egg substitute with milk, salt and pepper and any other seasoning in a small bowl.
  3. Gently pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and cook until set.
  4. Sprinkle with cheese. Then, using a rubber spatula, carefully fold the omelette over while sliding it onto a serving plate.
  5. Enjoy!

PRO TIP: Are you looking for ways to make it a high protein breakfast? Add a scoop of your favorite flavorless protein powder while beating the egg mixture for an extra nutritional punch!

Need more ideas to add variety to your mornings? Check out the other recipes on Amway Discover for an assortment of smoothies, drinks, muffins and cookies. You can also consider taking the Nutrilite™ 10-Day Breakfast Challenge to kickstart a healthier, happier lifestyle!